How Digital Devices Affect Your Eyes - Nevada Eye Physicians
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How Digital Devices Affect Your Eyes

Technology is amazing. It connects us with family and friends and makes our lives so much easier. But with all the great things technology brings, it can also have negative effects. Computer vision syndrome, also called digital eye strain, describes a group of vision-related problems, such as headaches and fatigue, that result from prolonged computer use.

Many people don’t realize these symptoms are caused by screens and are surprised when their eye doctor tells them otherwise. The good news is that Nevada Eye Physicians has a solution for you. Our comprehensive facility is dedicated to serving patients with the highest quality of care. To learn more about computers and eye health, contact our team or visit one of our many locations in Boulder City, Las Vegas, Henderson, Mesquite, and Pahrump, NV.

What is computer vision syndrome?

Did you know that reading text on a computer screen is harder on the eyes than printed text? This is why working on a computer is more harmful to your vision than reading a book. Computer vision syndrome occurs when people spend hours a day on their screens and digital devices. This includes desktop computers, laptops, e-readers, and smartphones. Eye physicians have noticed an increase in the effects of computer use on eye health and vision as our dependency on technology grows.

Computer vision syndrome is common in both adults and children, although some people are more at risk than others. Office workers who spend their day in front of a computer are likely to get digital eye strain at some point. People with uncorrected vision problems are at even greater risk. The severity of symptoms varies based on your medical history and any underlying vision problems you may have. These include:

  • Blurred or double vision
  • Dry eye
  • Eye discomfort
  • Eye itching
  • Eye redness
  • Eye fatigue
  • Headaches

How is computer vision syndrome diagnosed?

Don’t hesitate to visit Nevada Eye Physicians if you experience any symptoms of computer vision syndrome. During your appointment, one of our physicians will take a health history and conduct an eye examination. This allows us to see whether any health issues or environmental factors may be adding to your symptoms. We can also test your vision and how well your eyes focus as part of the exam. If your symptoms are caused by digital eye strain, we can give you information and helpful resources about the effects of computer use on eye health and vision.

What does computer vision syndrome treatment look like?

One of the reasons we encourage patients to schedule annual eye examinations is to catch and treat any conditions early on. If our team discovers an issue with computers and eye health during the exam, Nevada Eye Physicians will create a custom plan moving forward. Computer vision syndrome treatment may include lubricating eye drops or medications. We may also suggest treating allergies (if you have them) so your eyes will feel less irritated by computer screens. If you use corrective lenses, we want to make sure your prescription is also up-to-date to make your vision as clear as possible. Our administrative staff will schedule follow-up appointments, as needed, for further study and recommendations.

How can I prevent digital eye strain?

At Nevada Eye Physicians, we understand that computers and technology are already a part of daily life. Nonetheless, it is important to take precautions if you want to prevent computer vision syndrome or digital eye strain. For those who need to spend their day in front of a computer, try to practice the “20-20-20” rule. This allows your eyes to take a much-needed break every once in a while. Every 20 minutes, try to look at an object at least 20 feet away for 20 seconds. We also suggest blinking exercises to ensure proper eye lubrication.

Adjusting the text size on your computer can also help you read properly without squinting. If you’re working on a small screen, see if you can upgrade your desktop. Some programs can change the screen color from blue to yellow, so you are exposed to fewer harmful blue rays. If you’ve tried these methods at home and aren’t feeling relief, we hope you visit with one of our skilled physicians. While most cases of digital eye strain can improve with the steps we suggested, your doctor can also be a helpful ally.

Learn more about digital eye strain

The staff at Nevada Eye Physicians are experts on the topic of computers and eye health. If you are experiencing issues with blurred or double vision, eye discomfort, or fatigue, you may be suffering from computer vision syndrome. At our facility, we provide many different eye tests to evaluate the functionality of the eye and determine what solutions are required. Learn more about the effects of computer use on eye health and vision by scheduling a visit at one of our locations in Boulder City, Las Vegas, Henderson, Mesquite, and Pahrump, NV.

Seek Treatment Today

If you are experiencing any symptoms associated with cataracts, it is important to seek attention from an eye care professional as soon as possible. At Nevada Eye Physicians, we work to both diagnose and treat cataracts to help our patients gain clearer vision. To schedule your consultation, contact one of our facilities today.

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